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Finding Your Passion or What Makes a Job Right for You?
Idealists – Finding Meaning and Unique Identity

In this five-part series, we’re examining each personality type and job fit. Idealists are the most likely of all types to resonate with the Boomer phrase, “Finding Your Passion.” Idealists strive to find Meaning and Unique Identity in their lives.

The Idealists are the group most attuned to values and seeking the greater good. Famous Idealists are Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Ghandi, and Oprah Winfrey.

Of all the Idealists, the Teacher (ENFJ) is the most likely to seek leadership positions in the private or public sector. The Teacher is drawn to careers in education or social services, such as college professor, high school teacher, social worker, or non-profit director. In business they are often trainers, sales managers, recruiters, or executives. Since they are good at building relationships, they may be fund raisers or recruiters. They also are found in jobs such as a health advisor, clergy, facilitator, or counselor. Says Rene, “It’s very important to me to really connect with my students. I need to feel that I am making a difference in their lives.”

The Counselor (INFJ) is a more private person than the Teacher. They, too, can be found in the field of education as a professor , teacher, counselor, or educational consultant. Sometimes they feel a strong calling toward the religious life as clergy, nun, or director of religious education. Social service jobs, such as social worker, social scientist, or mediator can fit their needs. Some Counselors work in human services, marketing, or as a job analyst. Others are drawn to the arts as a novelist, designer, or artist. Says Benito, “My art is very personal. It expresses who I am at the same time reaching out to draw the viewer in. My art changes the viewer’s perspective of reality.”

People naturally confide in the Champion (ENFP). That’s why they make such good mediators, counselors, teachers, consultants, and reporters. Any position that outreaches to others can fit the Champion. They can be columnists, journalists, publicists, copy writers, advertising account executives. In the arts they can be character actors, cartoonists, art educators. If they choose jobs such as restaurateur, be sure that their business sites will be unique and designed for a particular type of customer. Don’t be surprised to see them as an inventor. This type of personality wants to experience the whole of life and may change careers more often than many other types. Says Charles, “I’ve had a number of jobs and when there is nothing left to create, I move to something new. I want my life to be spiced with newness, love, and joy.”

The most sensitive of the Idealists is the Healer (INFP). While their list of jobs may echo that of other Idealists, they are more drawn to express their own unique vision of the world that all other types, so their work cannot help but be unique. They interpret their visions in the world of music, art, entertainment, or dance. As a professor or teacher, counselor or social worker, they often unlock the mysteries of life for those they encounter. In business they are drawn to organizational development and human resources careers. They may have a religious calling or seek work as a librarian. Their careers need to be in alignment with their personal values. Says Kay, “I chose health education so I could touch the lives of others to help them make better choices about their lives. I know I’ve done some good.”

All Idealists seek to have a life of meaning, to help themselves and others grow to be the best that they can be. They do not want to be a copycat of someone else, but want to be seen as a unique and valuable individual.

People want to have a life that gives them a sense of personal satisfaction. Here are links for the other three temperaments:

Buzz up!

Temperament and Careers

Planning Process
Finding Your Passion
Guardians *
Artisans *
Idealists *
Rationals *
Your Current Situation
Who Am I?
What Are My Options?
Evaluating Options
Creating an Action Plan

Selection Process
Informational Interviewing
The Toughest Question
Evaluating an Offer
Salary Negotiations

Succeeding On The Job
Your Boss
Dress For Success
Working From Home
Dealing With Stress
In a Shrinking Job Market

Making Changes
When to Take Risks?
Taking a Job in a New City
Who Will Get Laid Off?
Is Your Job a Poor Fit?
Networking is Key

Where the Jobs Are
Healthcare: Many Opportunities